About Me

Logan Hertz

Hi my name is Logan Hertz, and I’ve been helping my clients become their own bankers since 2020. I did business strategy consulting for C-level executives in the telecom space for over 10 years striking out on my own in the wake of COVID.

Upon entering the working world in the consulting sector, Logan began exploring how he should invest his money to obtain financial freedom. He found the conventional strategies to be lacking; essentially they all boiled down to “buy mutual funds and put your money in retirement accounts”, and neither of those options ever made any sense to him. He began exploring alternatives and stumbled across someone who said, “If I could tell people one thing about their finances, it would be: replace your bank account with dividend-paying whole life insurance.” This started a multi-year process of discovering and adopting the Infinite Banking Concept, the process of becoming your own banker.

Looking at the financial and political landscape of today can get pretty depressing. When you see the financial options prepared for you by Wall Street, they don’t inspire much confidence. When I began my financial journey, I explored all the standard options Wall Street offers, but I didn’t find any compelling reason to invest in them. So, I simply stayed in cash.

And then the 2008 financial crisis hit – and all the “experts” saw their portfolios hammered, while I did just fine. I kept searching for solutions that actually make sense and could really move the needle on your net worth. A 10% average return on mutual funds might be nice (in theory), but it’s not going to make you financially independent.

I realized that it wasn’t the individual investment vehicles (such as mutual funds) which are the problem per se, but rather the entire financial framework that we are trained to use to evaluate investments (such as “return on investment”, a Wall Street gimmick rather than a useful metric).

But here’s where it gets exciting – once you find there’s an alternate universe outside of Wall Street’s control, you realize there’s a whole world of great opportunities waiting for you!